Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Vix

With so much uncertainty surrounding politics across the globe the VIX seems to be good buy. I was recently told by a professor of mine he is long the VIX and got into thinking if i should do the same?

My thought, Yes!Yes!Yes!(A joke far all yall wrasting fans out there). 

My reasoning: The fiscal cliff, the overall terribleness of Europe, the upcoming US election and the continued slowdown of Chinese economy.

If the market continues to be teased about more QEs and continues to wonder if the bush era tax cuts will be renewed volatility will only increase as these dates quickly approach.

Its an interesting idea that I will continue to look into.

Note: I do not hold any positions in the previously mentioned. All discussion is for academic purposes only. Also, you should NOT base any financial decisions or any decisions at all off of what I write.

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