Saturday, July 7, 2012

Chicago White Sox Mid Season Review

No one predicted this. We hoped for this. I posted on my twitter I secretly thought the Sox would be good. I was not bold about this prediction nor was anyone else.

Kenny Williams even went up to manager Robin Ventura in Spring Training and said not to expect much for the 2012 season besides some mid season salary dumping trades. Here is a quick recap of this team and their 1st half and what fans can expect in the 2nd half.


Adam Dunn, Jake Peavy, and Alex Rios have all bounced back from terrible years in 2011. Dunn is an all star, Peavy is a Cy Young candidate(he should be an all star), and Rios looks the 5 tool player he was pegged to be as a young player in the Blue Jays system. Each player has changed major parts of their game, Dunn is in shape(yes he is striking out at a record pace still). Peavy has reinvented himself as much more than a power pitcher. Peavy now changes speeds and mixes pitches rather than throwing his arm out with every pitch he throws. Rios has begun to stand up straight in the batters box, rather than having a stance that resembles an awkward human being that has no idea how to sit.

Paul Konerko has continued his quest to take over as the franchise leader in many statistics and is once again an all star and MVP candidate.

De Aza and AJ have been the model of consistency in the lineup. Their contributions cannot be understated

Chris Sale is an all star and the possible 1st half Cy Young. Long forgotten is the idiotic decisions of White Sox management to put Sale in the bullpen.(Side Note: When I heard he was moving into bullpen I freaked out and yelled at my roommate to give me an explanation of this horrible decision. I do not remember ever being so mad about a White Sox decision. the only other thing that comes to mind is when Ozzie continued to play Pierre in left in 2011.) I have been lucky enough to see Sale start twice this year, including seeing one of the few starts he has struggled in after he returned from the bullpen. Expect an strict inning count on Sale but also expect more brilliance from this former #1 pick.

Robin Ventura appears to be far more comfortable as manager despite a few mishandled situation (ie Addison Reed as closer, Sale out of rotation)

YOUKKKKK! has been motivated since switching his sox. Hopefully he can stay healthy and give decent production at 3B. It was well noted the White Sox had the worst offensive numbers in MLB at 3B before Youk came over in what looks to have been a steal from the Red Sox.

Jose Quintana has been incredible for a rookie that the Yankees did not even want. He was projected as  back of the rotation starter in the minors but has pitched like an Ace so far. The Sox will need Quintana on tope of his game if they want to make into the post season and go deep.

The young bullpen, especially Reed, has been key. Few leads have been given up and players are staring to get established roles. Nate Jones has also been spectacular.A return of Jesse Crain for the DL should help. O and Will Ohman is finally gone!

Room for Improvement-

Back end of the rotation. Injuries and poor pitching has plagued the likes of Gavin Floyd, John Danks, and Philip Humber. Floyd has begun pitching better as of late with 3 of his last 4 starts going at least 6 innings and not having given up an earned run. Danks may not be back until August and struggled before his injury. Humber is near the end of his rehab but absolutely sucked following his perfect game.  This is the most likely place for another Kenny Williams trade, but Kenny will likely give these inconsistent pitchers the chance to redeem themselves.

Gordon Beckham. After a terrible offensive start has somewhat bounced back but is still not the player the Sox hoped he would be coming form Georgia. Beckham has turned in stellar defense at second but not enough to forgot his offensive troubles. The 25 year old Beckham having a a complete second half could go a long way for the Sox.

Alexei Ramirez. Same story as Beckham. Ramirez has picked his offense up lately raising his average to around 260. The Cuban Missile could use to walk more (he probably will never learn this) and eventually find his power.


Though the AL central has been the weakest AL division thus far, the pre season division favorite Detroit Tigers still have enough talent to catch the White Sox. Cleveland is also a viable threat and with some kind of move(perhaps more pitching?) could continue to contend. The two AL wild card will likely come from the East and/or the West. Expect the re emergence of Detroit and continues success of the Indians. Call me a homer but I have the Sox taking the division by a few games. The holes of the Detroit pitching staff will be exploited and Cleveland will lose what magic they have had. Look for a fun AL 2nd half.

White Sox Awards

1st half MVP- Paul Konerko
1st half Cy Young- Chris Sale
Comeback Player-Adam Dunn
Best Rookie- Addison Reed
Best Moment- Philip Humber Perfect Game
Worst moment- Alexei botches run downs in Astros series and All Humber starts post Perfect Game and Moving Sale to Bullpen
Best Play- Rios Robs Corey Hart of Home run vs Brewers

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